Rowan Anderson and Linda Gray

Co-President Rowan Anderson and Linda Gray

Rowan became an active member of Channing during the 2020 pandemic. He wears many hats.

Rowan Anderson

Rowan Anderson grew up in Colorado, and moved to Oklahoma in late 2019. He became an active member of Channing during the 2020 pandemic. He also serves on the Worship Committee, and is a member of Channing's own Spiral Circle CUUPs group.  He currently works in retail, but most of his working experience is in restaurants. He enjoys gardening, videogames, and spoiling his 3 cats - Trina, Ozzywog, and Bonesy. As an autistic queer person, he is an avid supporter of LGBTQIA+ rights, handicap accessibility, and mental health.

Linda Gray's Bio is forthcoming

Co-President Rowan Anderson and Linda Gray
