Channing Channel - July 2024

Happy July! I hope you've figured out your plans for the 4th, because you're about out of time to figure out where you're gonna watch some fireworks! 

There's been a lot of ongoing conversation about how Channing can grow, and in particular, how to bring in more younger folks. I think the future of Channing is important to think about, and I hope that every friend and member of our church will keep those ideas rattling around in their heads. Growing anything is a whole process, and requires a lot of trial and error, as well as a lot of time. It won't be an item to check off of a list, or a one-and-done event. If we want this congregation to continue, it must be a continuous effort on all of our parts. 

As I have said though, I think we're less in competition with other churches or religious groups, and more in competition with the other obligations in peoples' lives. We want people to want to come to Channing, not to feel like it's another chore to balance. So I, and I'm going to assume the rest of the board, are all ears if anyone has any ideas about that. Personally, I would like to know how we can have some more community outreach - events that we can have or participate in as a church to interact with our larger Edmond community. What’s got you involved with Channing when you started coming? What were you looking for? I was looking for a sense of familiarity after moving 700 miles away from everything I knew, and got roped into being Liturgist by Sharon as soon as we started meeting in person during the pandemic. I am glad for the friendships I have here, and for all of the things I've learned from this congregation in the last few years. 
I'm anticipating a lot more learning over the next year, and gods willing, it will be relatively painless for all of us. I've not done anything quite like serving as president of the board, but I am very glad to have the support of our co-president, Linda Gray, and the rest of the board as I figure it out. 

- Rowan

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