Our Channing Unitarian Universalist Church would like to wish you all a very happy New Year!
2021 was a hard year. Losing Gene Douglas and more recently, Briana Greenemeyer is very hard but I do believe both would want us to focus on the positive for 2022.
Let’s all strive to make 2022 a great year for Channing UU Church.
We have a new worship committee for 2022. On that committee is Rowan Anderson, Kathleen Joslin and Eva Mahoney. They are stirring things up a bit and starting a coffee house sermon once a month. The details haven't been ironed out completely but information for this will be forthcoming in the Channing Channel prior to that Sunday. Stay tuned for that.
Forum is back on Sundays. Dana Spears will be chairing this endeavor. The Forum will once again start at 9:45 and go on for 1 hour. It will be in the sanctuary so that it can also be broadcast on Zoom for those who do not wish to make it in. Of course there will be a chair for you to take part in these discussions.
We are going to try to continue our in-person Sundays with our rotating speakers. We will continue with zoom, as well.
Eva is also working on an online directory of members and friends. She has started to gather information and if you have not submitted it to her please do so. Her email is wnyokie@cox.net. We would like to list your name, address, email address and phone number. And your birthday. No year of birth will be listed. You can include whatever information you are comfortable sharing. It will be password protected.
I know 2022 has a lot of challenges but together we can see it through.
To read the entire Newsletter, click here.